Roommate Finder in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
45 Roommates
Frequently asked questions
How many roommates are available in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada?
There are 45 available roommates in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
How to find a roommate in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada?
On Roomster, searching roommates in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada is easy. Type Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and choose 'Roommate'. Use advanced filters to find a perfect roomie for your spare room.
How much is it to rent a room in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada?
The average rent for a room in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada is 493 USD
Glenwood Roommates
Areas in Canada:
Neighborhood in Newfoundland And Labrador:
- Admirals Beach
- Anchor Point
- Appleton
- Aquaforte
- Arnold's Cove
- Avondale
- Badger
- Baie Verte
- Baine Harbour
- Bauline
- Bay Bulls
- Bay De Verde
- Bay L'argent
- Bay Roberts
- Baytona
- Beachside
- Bellburns
- Belleoram
- Birchy Bay
- Bird Cove
- Bishop's Cove
- Bishop's Falls
- Bonavista
- Botwood
- Branch
- Brent's Cove
- Brighton
- Brigus
- Bryant's Cove
- Buchans
- Burgeo
- Burin
- Burlington
- Burnt Islands
- Campbellton
- Cape Broyle
- Cape St. George
- Carbonear
- Carmanville
- Cartwright
- Centreville Wareham Trinity
- Chance Cove
- Change Islands
- Channel Port Aux Basques
- Chapel Arm
- Charlottetown
- Clarenville
- Clarke's Beach
- Coachman's Cove
- Colinet
- Colliers
- Come By Chance
- Comfort Cove Newstead
- Conception Bay South
- Conception Harbour
- Conche
- Cook's Harbour
- Cormack
- Corner Brook
- Cottlesville
- Cow Head
- Cox's Cove
- Crow Head
- Cupids
- Daniel's Harbour
- Deer Lake
- Dover
- Duntara
- Eastport
- Elliston
- Embree
- Englee
- English Harbour East
- Fermeuse
- Ferryland
- Flatrock
- Fleur De Lys
- Flower's Cove
- Fogo Island
- Forteau
- Fortune
- Fox Cove Mortier
- Fox Harbour
- Frenchman's Cove
- Gallants
- Gambo
- Gander
- Garnish
- Gaskiers Point La Haye
- Gaultois
- Gillams
- Glenburnie Birchy Head Shoal Brook
- Glovertown
- Goose Cove East
- Grand Bank
- Grand Falls Windsor
- Grand Le Pierre
- Greenspond
- Hampden
- Hant's Harbour
- Happy Adventure
- Happy Valley Goose Bay
- Harbour Breton
- Harbour Grace
- Harbour Main Chapel's Cove Lakeview
- Hare Bay
- Hawke's Bay
- Heart's Content
- Heart's Delight Islington
- Heart's Desire
- Hermitage Sandyville
- Holyrood
- Hopedale
- Howley
- Hughes Brook
- Humber Arm South
- Indian Bay
- Irishtown Summerside
- Isle Aux Morts
- Jackson's Arm
- Keels
- King's Cove
- King's Point
- Kippens
- L'anse Au Clair
- L'anse Au Loup
- Labrador City
- Lamaline
- Lark Harbour
- Lascie
- Lawn
- Leading Tickles
- Lewin's Cove
- Lewisporte
- Little Bay
- Little Bay East
- Little Bay Islands
- Little Burnt Bay
- Logy Bay Middle Cove Outer Cove
- Long Harbour Mount Arlington Heights
- Lord's Cove
- Lourdes
- Lumsden
- Lushes Bight Beaumont Beaumont North
- Main Brook
- Makkovik
- Mary's Harbour
- Marystown
- Massey Drive
- Mcivers
- Meadows
- Middle Arm
- Miles Cove
- Millertown
- Milltown Head Of Bay D'espoir
- Ming's Bight
- Morrisville
- Mount Carmel Mitchells Brook St. Catherines
- Mount Moriah
- Mount Pearl
- Musgrave Harbour
- Musgravetown
- Nain
- New Perlican
- New Wes Valley
- Nipper's Harbour
- Norman's Cove Long Cove
- Norris Arm
- Norris Point
- North River
- North West River
- Northern Arm
- Old Perlican
- Pacquet
- Paradise
- Parkers Cove
- Parson's Pond
- Pasadena
- Peterview
- Petty Harbour Maddox Cove
- Pilley's Island
- Pinware
- Placentia
- Point Au Gaul
- Point Lance
- Point Leamington
- Point May
- Point Of Bay
- Pool's Cove
- Port Anson
- Port Au Choix
- Port Au Port East
- Port Au Port West Aguathuna Felix Cove
- Port Blandford
- Port Hope Simpson
- Port Kirwan
- Port Rexton
- Port Saunders
- Portugal Cove South
- Portugal Cove–st. Philip's
- Postville
- Pouch Cove
- Raleigh
- Ramea
- Red Bay
- Red Harbour
- Reidville
- Rencontre East
- Renews Cappahayden
- Rigolet
- River Of Ponds
- Riverhead
- Robert's Arm
- Rocky Harbour
- Roddickton Bide Arm
- Rose Blanche Harbour Le Cou
- Rushoon
- Sally's Cove
- Salmon Cove
- Salvage
- Sandringham
- Sandy Cove
- Seal Cove
- Seal Cove, Nl, Canada
- Small Point Adam's Cove Blackhead Broad Cove
- South Brook
- South River
- Southern Harbour
- Spaniard's Bay
- Springdale
- St. Alban's
- St. Anthony
- St. Bernard's Jacques Fontaine
- St. Brendan's
- St. Bride's
- St. George's
- St. Jacques Coomb's Cove
- St. John's
- St. Joseph's
- St. Lawrence
- St. Lewis
- St. Lunaire Griquet
- St. Mary's
- St. Pauls
- St. Shott's
- St. Vincent's St. Stephen's Peter's River
- Steady Brook
- Stephenville
- Stephenville Crossing
- Summerford
- Sunnyside
- Terra Nova
- Terrenceville
- Tilt Cove
- Torbay
- Traytown
- Trepassey
- Trinity
- Trinity Bay North
- Triton
- Trout River
- Twillingate
- Upper Island Cove
- Victoria
- Wabana
- Wabush
- West St. Modeste
- Westport
- Whitbourne
- Whiteway
- Winterland
- Winterton
- Witless Bay
- Woodstock
- Woody Point
- York Harbour
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