Zimmer zu vermieten in Sarah Drive, Clarksville, TN, USA
17 Zimmer zu vermieten

Ferdinand, 35
Zimmer zu vermieten | Old Hopkinsville Highway, Clarksville, TN, USA
Currently Occupied until Dec
Renting out the extra living area in the bottom floor of my house. You will have your own room, private bathroom, and you will have your own entrance or exit with your own personal code for the alarm system. All utilities are included with the monthly rent (Internet, water, electricity, garbage, security system). The room and bathroom are not furnished. Ten minutes from Fort Campbell, a mile away from Crunch Fitness, and right by IOIst Airborne Division Parkway. For an additional montly fee, you can also occupy the bottom floor living room. The additional space would come in handy if you work remote and need that extra space. Shared common areas- Kitchen / Dining Room- Deck / Grill- Garage / Laundry Room- Backyard- Driveway / Parking area- Shed / Additional Storage
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Savanna, 19
Zimmer zu vermieten | West Allen Griffey Road, Clarksville, TN, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is Savanna. I am a 19-year old professional. I am looking for a roommate. The room is in Clarksville. The monthly rent is $570 and the room is available immediately.
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Tyler, 26
Zimmer zu vermieten | Wallace Boulevard, Clarksville, TN, USA
Solis APT bath!
Solis APT bath. a month with everything included. Power will make it fluctuate. That will be all utilities including internet. You will have a bathroom that is yours. It is connected to the living room. Tho guest can use my master if it’s an issue. You will have your own room and closet. Has a nice gym, pool, coffee area, billiards room, and a movie theater room. still moving in. I do have a cat. He is super chill. I have a Romba that goes everyday. They also have trash valet. Full kitchen with island. Real granite counter tops. Super clean guy. I’m a good cook as well! This is also on the 3rd floor with a balcony. Any questions please ask!
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Skyley, 23
Zimmer zu vermieten | Clarksville, TN, USA
Room 4 Rent
Spacious 1 bed/bath for monthly flat rate. Youll have access to all utilities and common areas. We have a safe neighborhood. My husband and myself live in the home. We have 2 Dogs that love attention and cuddles. We do not have kids, therefore these pictures of the room are from previous tenants. Bathroom and common area pics are current. We ask you’re cleanly, respectful, reliable, and quiet. You will need to supply your own food/linens. Facebooks Skyley Crosson message me if interested I did not buy !
Available Date: Sofort
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Haley, 22
Zimmer zu vermieten | Clarksville, TN, USA
Looking for a roommate, preferably female to renew lease with. Current lease will be ending November , move in would be available any time after that. Rent listed is total and would be split in half.
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nathan, 31
Zimmer zu vermieten | Rains Road, Clarksville, TN, USA
Rains Road
Hi, my name is nathan. I am a 31-year old professional. I am looking for a roommate. The room is in Clarksville. The monthly rent is $850 and the room is available immediately.
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roger, 33
Zimmer zu vermieten | 37042, Clarksville, TN, USA
Room for rent
Me and my gf are currently looking for a roomate, it would be month to month rent with a deposit of so to move in u need and the rent. utilities provided along with internet.
Available Date: Sofort
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Joshua, 29
Zimmer zu vermieten | Clarksville, TN, USA
Active Duty Service Members & Veterans ONLY 🇺🇸. We're a veteran benefits corporation local here to Fort Campbell/Clarksville TN. We operate affordable, all-inclusive (utilities) shared housing each with a month-by-month term. If interested for further details feel free to or call us at ; please no calls after 7pm. Rates vary call for details. Multiple locations.
Available Date: Sofort
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Joshua, 29
Zimmer zu vermieten | Clarksville, TN, USA
Military & Veterans ONLY READ BELOW
Active Duty Service Members & Veterans ONLY 🇺🇸. We're a veteran benefits corporation local here to Fort Campbell/Clarksville TN. We operate affordable, all-inclusive (utilities) shared housing each with a month-by-month term. If interested for further details feel free to or call us at ; please no calls after 7pm. Rates vary call for details. Multiple locations.
Available Date: Sofort
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie viele Zimmer sind in Sarah Drive, Clarksville, TN, USA verfügbar?
Es gibt 17 verfügbare Zimmer in San Francisco, CA, USA.
Wie findet man ein Zimmer in Sarah Drive, Clarksville, TN, USA?
Auf Roomster ist die Suche nach Zimmern in Sarah Drive, Clarksville, TN, USA einfach. Geben Sie 'Sarah Drive, Clarksville, TN, USA' ein und wählen Sie 'Zimmer'. Verwenden Sie erweiterte Filter, um ein perfektes freies Zimmer zu finden, das Sie mit Ihren Mitbewohnern teilen können.
Wie viel kostet es, ein Zimmer in Sarah Drive, Clarksville, TN, USA zu mieten?
Die durchschnittliche Miete für ein Zimmer in Sarah Drive, Clarksville, TN, USA beträgt 725 USD
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