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Zimmer zu vermieten in San Antonio, TX, USA


Teresa,  48

Zimmer zu vermieten | Pelican Edge, San Antonio, TX, USA

Looking for a Female Roommate

One bedroom available in a two story home with a pool in the backyard.🏡 Also, the room is furnished with a full size bed and dresser, possibly a few more things, but if you don’t need them they can be taken out. There is also an entire large furnished living area upstairs as well, there is still room for additional furniture if you have your own or need an additional workspace as long as there’s an understanding it will be a shared space. There’s one shared bathroom upstairs and a half bath downstairs.Please be mindful of your time in the shower and cleanliness as this is shared between women. You would only need to come downstairs to use the kitchen, to do laundry and to come and go, otherwise you have everything you need upstairs but of course are welcome throughout. We are a fun down to earth group of women, we often have different schedules so you may not always see all of us. Females Only please! Also plant friendly is a plus 🍃🍄 as we are, if this is an issue I’m sorry. No cats as my roommate is highly allergic. The lease can be month to month with thirty days notice or it can be at least until April, the utilities are split between all four of us. The room is available now just reach me at Teresa.FreeSpirited at the G for more info or serious inquiries.

Available Date: Sofort

USD / month

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

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    Es gibt 207 verfügbare Zimmer in San Francisco, CA, USA.

  • Wie findet man ein Zimmer in San Antonio, TX, USA?

    Auf Roomster ist die Suche nach Zimmern in San Antonio, TX, USA einfach. Geben Sie 'San Antonio, TX, USA' ein und wählen Sie 'Zimmer'. Verwenden Sie erweiterte Filter, um ein perfektes freies Zimmer zu finden, das Sie mit Ihren Mitbewohnern teilen können.

  • Wie viel kostet es, ein Zimmer in San Antonio, TX, USA zu mieten?

    Die durchschnittliche Miete für ein Zimmer in San Antonio, TX, USA beträgt 710 USD

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