Zimmer zu vermieten in Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA
3 Zimmer zu vermieten

Mohammad Aqib, 25
Zimmer zu vermieten | Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA
Room near UIWSOM
*ROOM AVAILABLE FOR RENT* Location near UIWSOM with non sharing bed and bathroom in a Bath apartment conveniently on the ground floor.It's located at Kennedy hill Dr, (Kennedy Apartments) , San Antonio, . ,The other bedroom and bathroom is occupied by another male student.I am moving out to an independent non sharing apartment as my family occasionally visits.Any one who is interested or knows someone who might be interested, please contact me. Primary number is . Secondary is .It is the bedroom on the left and it has a very large living room areaIts rent is $ plus half of the total utilities.
Available Date: Sofort
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Frank, 24
Zimmer zu vermieten | Halliday Avenue, San Antonio, TX, USA
Nice Clean House near downtown
Recently remodeled victorian house near downtown. Hard wood floors. , new kitchen. House cleaner comes through 1x per month. Bills are included in rent. room is furnished. No drugs or drama. QUiet , calm place to call a home.
Available Date: Sofort
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Rafael, 40
Zimmer zu vermieten | Maurine Drive, San Antonio, TX, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is Rafael. I am a 40-year old professional. I am looking for a roommate. The room is in San Antonio. The monthly rent is $750 and the room is available immediately.
Available Date: Sofort
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie viele Zimmer sind in Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA verfügbar?
Es gibt 3 verfügbare Zimmer in San Francisco, CA, USA.
Wie findet man ein Zimmer in Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA?
Auf Roomster ist die Suche nach Zimmern in Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA einfach. Geben Sie 'Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA' ein und wählen Sie 'Zimmer'. Verwenden Sie erweiterte Filter, um ein perfektes freies Zimmer zu finden, das Sie mit Ihren Mitbewohnern teilen können.
Wie viel kostet es, ein Zimmer in Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA zu mieten?
Die durchschnittliche Miete für ein Zimmer in Kennedy Hill, San Antonio, TX, USA beträgt 731 USD
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