Zimmer zu vermieten in Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA
28 Zimmer zu vermieten

Clint, 45
Zimmer zu vermieten | Hunter Court, Auburn, AL, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is Clint. I am a 45-year old professional. I am looking for a roommate. The room is in Auburn. The monthly rent is $600 and the room is available immediately.
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Julia, 18
Zimmer zu vermieten | Harvard Place, Auburn, AL, USA
Searching for a female roommate!
Hi everyone! My name is Julia and I am a freshman at Auburn. I’m looking for a roommate for the upcoming school year, preferably between years old
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rayna, 20
Zimmer zu vermieten | Webster Road, Auburn, AL, USA
2 rooms for lease at Ridgewood
2 rooms for lease at Ridgewood Village. My family and I is in the process of purchasing a trailer at Ridgewood. I will have two bedrooms for lease starting in January to July. There is 1 bathroom that will have to be shared between the 2 rooms. Ridgewood has a pool, tennis court, volleyball, and Tiger Transit. The front and back porch will be replaced and a few renovations done to the inside! Rent will be $ a piece that includes WiFi, water and trash! The power bill will be split 3 ways. I am a Junior at Auburn majoring in Agribusiness. I love to go out but also staying in! Please PM if interested!
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Mia, 19
Zimmer zu vermieten | East University Drive, Auburn, AL, USA
French Quarter/Evergreen
Looking for a female roommate to possibly share a bath apartment in the French Quarter/Evergreen. I don't currently lease out a building but I'm a rising sophomore looking for a place to stay (and a roommate) for the school year. If interested reach out on
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Makenna, 20
Zimmer zu vermieten | East Longleaf Drive, Auburn, AL, USA
Subleasing private room at The Mill
SUBLEASING!! Unit is one of 4 bedrooms with a private bathroom and walk in closet. This is the upgraded unit so you will have vinyl flooring with a flat screen TV. Pet friendly and free parking with a number of amenities. The only utility you have to pay outside of rent is electric and the bedroom comes with a bed, desk, and a dresser! There’s free WiFi and an in unit washer/dryer. I’m looking to be out of this apartment by December/ January, so it will be available for the spring semester. Don’t hesitate to message me if you have any questions!!
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Sav, 21
Zimmer zu vermieten | Wright Street, Auburn, AL, USA
Looking for a 4th roommate!
Hey, my roommates and I are looking for a fourth roommate for spring ! We have an unfurnished open room in a 4 person apartment, very close downtown and campus, so it’s super convenient! Rent is $ plus utilities. The lease will be from January st. We are actively looking for someone to take over the lease for that one room! Feel free to reach out to us for further details.
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Tam, 20
Zimmer zu vermieten | East Veterans Boulevard, Auburn, AL, USA
Available from June
Within ten minutes from Auburn Overflow parking. Two minute drive to Walmart and nearby South College Street full of restaurants.Available from June First
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z, 33
Zimmer zu vermieten | Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA
New Listing
I am subleasing a bath apartment at University Place Apartments University Ave, Ste Columbia, MO.(for a female). The lease term is from January 1st to July st. The rent is $ per month. All utilities are included. The deposit is . Free printing, gym, and so on. Just 5 min walk to the campus. Furnished.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie viele Zimmer sind in Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA verfügbar?
Es gibt 28 verfügbare Zimmer in San Francisco, CA, USA.
Wie findet man ein Zimmer in Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA?
Auf Roomster ist die Suche nach Zimmern in Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA einfach. Geben Sie 'Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA' ein und wählen Sie 'Zimmer'. Verwenden Sie erweiterte Filter, um ein perfektes freies Zimmer zu finden, das Sie mit Ihren Mitbewohnern teilen können.
Wie viel kostet es, ein Zimmer in Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA zu mieten?
Die durchschnittliche Miete für ein Zimmer in Homewood Drive, Auburn, AL, USA beträgt 736 USD
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