Flatmate Finder in South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA
7 Flatmates
Frequently asked questions
How many flatmates are available in South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA?
There are 7 available flatmates in South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA.
How to find a flatmate in South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA?
On Roomster, searching flatmates in South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA is easy. Type South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA and choose 'Flatmate'. Use advanced filters to find a perfect flatmate for your spare room.
How much is it to find a flat share in South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA?
The average flat share in South Burlingame, Portland, OR, USA is 829 USD
South Burlingame Flatmates
Areas in Portland:
- Alameda
- Arbor Lodge
- Ardenwald Johnson Creek
- Argay
- Arlington Heights
- Arnold Creek
- Ashcreek
- Beaumont Wilshire
- Boise
- Brentwood Darlington
- Bridgeton
- Bridlemile
- Brooklyn
- Buckman
- Cathedral Park
- Centennial
- Collins View
- Concordia
- Creston Kenilworth
- Crestwood
- Cully
- East Columbia
- Eastmoreland
- Eliot
- Far Southwest
- Forest Park
- Foster Powell
- Glenfair
- Goose Hollow
- Grant Park
- Hayden Island
- Hayhurst
- Hazelwood
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Hollywood
- Homestead
- Hosford Abernethy
- Humboldt
- Irvington
- Kenton
- Kerns
- King
- Laurelhurst
- Lents
- Linnton
- Lloyd District
- Madison South
- Maplewood
- Markham
- Marshall Park
- Mill Park
- Montavilla
- Mt. Scott Arleta
- Mt. Tabor
- Multnomah (includes Multnomah Village)
- North Tabor
- Northwest District
- Northwest Heights
- Northwest Industrial
- Old Town Chinatown
- Overlook
- Parkrose
- Parkrose Heights
- Pearl District
- Piedmont
- Pleasant Valley
- Portland Downtown
- Portsmouth
- Powellhurst Gilbert
- Reed
- Richmond
- Rose City Park
- Roseway
- Russell
- Sabin
- Sellwood Moreland
- South Portland
- South Tabor
- Southwest Hills, Portland, Oregon
- St. Johns
- Sullivan's Gulch
- Sumner
- Sunnyside
- Sylvan Highlands
- University Park
- Vernon
- West Portland Park
- Wilkes
- Woodland Park
- Woodlawn
- Woodstock
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