Flatmate Finder in Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA
9 Flatmates
Frequently asked questions
How many flatmates are available in Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA?
There are 9 available flatmates in Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA.
How to find a flatmate in Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA?
On Roomster, searching flatmates in Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA is easy. Type Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA and choose 'Flatmate'. Use advanced filters to find a perfect flatmate for your spare room.
How much is it to find a flat share in Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA?
The average flat share in Eastmoreland, Portland, OR, USA is 839 USD
Eastmoreland Flatmates
Areas in Portland:
- Alameda
- Arbor Lodge
- Ardenwald Johnson Creek
- Argay
- Arlington Heights
- Arnold Creek
- Ashcreek
- Beaumont Wilshire
- Boise
- Brentwood Darlington
- Bridgeton
- Bridlemile
- Brooklyn
- Buckman
- Cathedral Park
- Centennial
- Collins View
- Concordia
- Creston Kenilworth
- Crestwood
- Cully
- East Columbia
- Eliot
- Far Southwest
- Forest Park
- Foster Powell
- Glenfair
- Goose Hollow
- Grant Park
- Hayden Island
- Hayhurst
- Hazelwood
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Hollywood
- Homestead
- Hosford Abernethy
- Humboldt
- Irvington
- Kenton
- Kerns
- King
- Laurelhurst
- Lents
- Linnton
- Lloyd District
- Madison South
- Maplewood
- Markham
- Marshall Park
- Mill Park
- Montavilla
- Mt. Scott Arleta
- Mt. Tabor
- Multnomah (includes Multnomah Village)
- North Tabor
- Northwest District
- Northwest Heights
- Northwest Industrial
- Old Town Chinatown
- Overlook
- Parkrose
- Parkrose Heights
- Pearl District
- Piedmont
- Pleasant Valley
- Portland Downtown
- Portsmouth
- Powellhurst Gilbert
- Reed
- Richmond
- Rose City Park
- Roseway
- Russell
- Sabin
- Sellwood Moreland
- South Burlingame
- South Portland
- South Tabor
- Southwest Hills, Portland, Oregon
- St. Johns
- Sullivan's Gulch
- Sumner
- Sunnyside
- Sylvan Highlands
- University Park
- Vernon
- West Portland Park
- Wilkes
- Woodland Park
- Woodlawn
- Woodstock
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