Christian, 20
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So I’mJust moved back to Florida. Looking for a place even if it’s short time just need enough time to get on my feet really. I’ve been told to get on this app and look for a roommate specifically so that’s what I’m doing i guess
English, Español
Roommate | Hialeah, FL, USA
Hi I’m Chris. I’m . I just moved back into Florida Miami and as much as this place I’d like to move in with someone and help out as much as possible. Guys are a weird bunch so preferably I’m looking for a female so typically I don’t have to deal with a guy convo i guess? I’ve had a bunch of those and they never really did go anywhere. I am bi. And I do technically have a girlfriend still we are just on break. So there’s no worry about that. I’m not weird unless u get to know me which is rare even, I just need a place to be able to get on my feet again I can help cook, clean, and help with anything type of technical technology things that might be needing assistance with. I am a gamer of such but I only play on off times. If not I’m not even gonna be at the house/apartment. And also I see that u have to pay for things on here so you can find me on as laxyas to msg me as I’m not $ days that seems like a lot already and I just got on here.
Available Date: Immediately