Gesamte Unterkunft in O'Connor, ACT, Australia
1 Unterkünfte

Kris, 40
Gesamte Unterkunft | Berrigan Crescent, O'Connor, ACT, Australia
City (O'Connor/Turner) 3br hse
Features: - Unbeatable location - combination of three rare features - located opposite light-rail station, walking distance to Canberra City centre, and situated next to the beautiful Jandura park/Sullivan creek. No need for car!- “Walk-cycle-to-everything” lifestyle to enjoy. Walk to Dickson shops, restaurants, cafes.- Ideal for ANU students as it is within walking/cycling distance to the University. - House oozes with character and “old-world charm,” that you do not find in new houses - a flashback to a sweet, bygone era. - Spacious, double brick, solidly built house with high ceilings and a large lounge, old-style windows and special frontage; cool in summer, warm in winter.- Freshly painted, new carpets. - Bedrooms with BIRs in each, having full length sliding mirrors. - Garden is massive and completely enclosed with a colour-bond fence; a lockable gate to keep your pets safely inside.- So close to light rail & city, yet the location is an oasis of peace and tranquillity. - Walk to Canberra's best public school, e.g Lyneham High school.- Extra Large Kitchen/dining area, electric stove/oven.- Entrance does not face the road and is set aside by 90 degrees to provide total privacy.- Situated in prestige, highly sought after suburb, O’Connor.- Efficient gas heater for winter heating. - Separate laundry, toilet and clothes hoist.- Separate garden-shed at the back.- Meets minimum energy efficiency standards.
Available Date: Sofort
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie viele Wohnungen sind in O'Connor, ACT, Australia verfügbar?
Es gibt 1 verfügbare Wohnungen in O'Connor, ACT, Australia.
Wie findet man eine Wohnung in O'Connor, ACT, Australia?
Auf Roomster ist die Suche nach Wohnungen in O'Connor, ACT, Australia einfach. Geben Sie 'O'Connor, ACT, Australia' ein und wählen Sie 'Gesamte Unterkunft'. Verwenden Sie erweiterte Filter, um eine perfekte Wohnung zu finden, die Sie für sich behalten oder mit Ihren Mitbewohnern teilen können.
Wie viel kostet es, ein Zimmer in O'Connor, ACT, Australia zu mieten?
Die durchschnittliche Miete für ein Zimmer in O'Connor, ACT, Australia beträgt 32 USD
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