Celé místo v Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA
49 Místa

Gabriela, 25
Celé místo | New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, DC, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is Gabriela. I am a 25-year old professional. I am listing a vacant apartment in Washington. The monthly rent is $1905 and the place is available immediately.
Available Date: Ihned
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Enayat, 30
Celé místo | 19th Court South, Arlington, VA, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is Enayat. I am a 30-year old professional. I am listing a vacant apartment in Arlington. The monthly rent is $2655 and the place is available immediately.
Available Date: Ihned
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Yanick, 37
Celé místo | Cameron Run Terrace, Alexandria, VA, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is Yanick. I am a 37-year old professional. I am listing a vacant apartment in Alexandria. The monthly rent is $1300 and the place is available immediately.
Available Date: Ihned
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Celé místo | Edgewood Street NE, Washington, DC, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is CHRISTIAN. I am a 30-year old professional. I am listing a vacant apartment in Washington. The monthly rent is $12 and the place is available immediately.
Available Date: Ihned
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Marie, 54
Celé místo | 25th Street NW, Washington, DC, USA
New Listing
Hi, my name is Marie. I am a 54-year old professional. I am listing a vacant apartment in Washington. The monthly rent is $3000 and the place is available immediately.
Available Date: Ihned
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Často kladené otázky
Kolik bytů je k dispozici v Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA?
V Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA je k dispozici 49 bytů.
Jak najít byt v Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA?
Na Roomster je hledání bytů v Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA jednoduché. Zadejte 'Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA' a vyberte 'Celé místo'. Použijte pokročilé filtry k nalezení dokonalého bytu, který si můžete nechat pro sebe nebo sdílet se spolubydlícími.
Kolik stojí pronájem pokoje v Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA?
Průměrný nájem za pokoj v Foxhall Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA je 2095 USD
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