Hi. Welcome to Roomster blog.

Since 2003 Roomster has served the housing market by offering a place online where one could find and post affordable places to rent.

Hi. Welcome to Roomster blog.
Roomster - rooms and roommate finder

We will be using this as a place to share information and ideas about the rental housing market, co-living, roommate matching and the economy.

Since 2003 Roomster has served the housing market by offering a place online where one could find and post affordable places to rent. We have done this by producing an easy to use platform and offering our services at an affordable rate, all without selling user data or selling out to big tech. We hope that this news section will allow us to share what we know about our industry and continue to help our community.

We will explore the challenges that our nation faces with affordable housing, the real stories of people looking for & living in shared housing, real estate companies and their inventory, the laws and polices of our governmental agencies. rent rules, regulations and current data and trends.