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غرف للإيجار في Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA


Cory, 35

غرفة للإيجار | Sacramento, CA, USA

Looking to team up to find a place!

Hi,I'm looking for a roommate and a place in Sacramento and its surrounding cities.My lease expires in October and decided to look for a roommate.My previous roommate was a female. She can vouch for me if needed. She says I'm the best roommate ever.Anyway.....a little about myself! Been in Sac for years.I'm in my thirties and I'm a working professional in the field of business data analytics (business and IT data person). Just finished my MBA with all A's woohoo!I have no criminal record or no drug use history. I have no kids or pets. And no family or friend drama.I'm a light drinker on social occasions such as being with friends, ect. and I am not a smoker (not a vaper either).I'm generally a laid back, friendly person.My hobbies include weightlifting, snowboarding, bike riding, running, reading, and cooking (Looooooove making pizza and pasta from scratch!).I consider myself a responsible, accountable, considerate person.For instance, I don't blast loud music. Some people may think I'm a dork, but that may be true lol! I would like to have a practical place to rent.I would prefer you would be an orderly nonsmoking roommate that I can TRUST as he/she can respect space/boundaries and property. If you are a light drinker, that's okay, but please have no criminal or drug use history. Please have a steady, professional job. And I'm okay with pets as well.If this sounds alright with you, then please feel free to reply/ direct message back. And please do tell me about yourselfAlso I do have a complete squat rack system that I would like to bring as well. You can totally use it too a plus when I'm your roommate.I already have a couch, rugs, kitchenware, and a table set.Won't answer to blank profiles.Thanks!

تاريخ الانتقال: فوراً

USD / month




الأسئلة الشائعة

  • كم عدد الغرف المتاحة للإيجار في Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA؟

    هناك 110 غرف متاحة للإيجار في Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA.

  • كيف تجد غرفة للإيجار في Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA؟

    على رومستر، البحث عن غرف للإيجار في Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA سهل. اكتب 'Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA' واختر 'غرفة'. استخدم الفلاتر المتقدمة للعثور على الغرفة المثالية التي يمكنك مشاركتها مع زملائك.

  • كم تكلفة استئجار غرفة في Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA؟

    متوسط الإيجار لغرفة في Tahoe Park East, Sacramento, CA, USA هو 901 USD

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