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غرف للإيجار في Bakersfield, CA, USA


Erin, 25

غرفة للإيجار | Fairfax Road, Bakersfield, CA, USA

Private room

Private room in a bath apartment on the upper east side of Bakersfield. Room is facing the front side of the apartment with a beautiful large window. Spacious apartment with shared living room and kitchen access. Shared bathroom will always be cleaned and maintained as I very much believe in cleanliness to avoid rust, mold, etc. Drawers and cabinets will be cleaned out and free for use. Laundry unit inside the home as well as on the property. We like to hang dry our clothes as well which typically sit on an organized wrack in the living room. Large 4K TV in the living room with MAX and Hulu available. Side patio with small table and chairs along with outdoor garden. Misters are put on every morning to maintain our plants, as well as windows being open during the day for indoor plants. We like to live comfortably so the AC will be in use as needed. We have a weight bench set in the kitchen we love to use to stay in shape which is free to use whenever you please. No overnights guests welcomed. Apartments located directly near schools, therefore a safe community is maintained. School police monitoring the area during school hours daily. Shopping centers and gas stations less than minutes away. Security deposit is negotiable upon first month’s rent.

تاريخ الانتقال: فوراً

USD / month






الأسئلة الشائعة

  • كم عدد الغرف المتاحة للإيجار في Bakersfield, CA, USA؟

    هناك 59 غرف متاحة للإيجار في Bakersfield, CA, USA.

  • كيف تجد غرفة للإيجار في Bakersfield, CA, USA؟

    على رومستر، البحث عن غرف للإيجار في Bakersfield, CA, USA سهل. اكتب 'Bakersfield, CA, USA' واختر 'غرفة'. استخدم الفلاتر المتقدمة للعثور على الغرفة المثالية التي يمكنك مشاركتها مع زملائك.

  • كم تكلفة استئجار غرفة في Bakersfield, CA, USA؟

    متوسط الإيجار لغرفة في Bakersfield, CA, USA هو 798 USD

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