Cozy Townhouse in El Cerrito
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Available DateНемедленно
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Looking for 2 female roommates to share a bathroom townhouse. The house is located blocks from the Del Norte Bart station in a very safe neighborhood. The place is very well maintained. The rent is $ a month plus utilities. (Water, trash, PG&E) ranges around $ a month. You would share a bathroom with one other roommate. The rooms are definitely large and fit a queen size bed with plenty of room left over. The lease is for 4 months, and month to month after that, and it begins on April 1st. Rent is $ and deposit is $ total move in $.
Here’s more info about the rooms and the apartment.
- room includes a closet with sliding mirrored doors
- room has a balcony attached that is shared with the other roommate.
- storage space bathroom is split
- close to Safeway, Walgreens, Ross, Del Norte Bart, AC Transit Bus lines, etc..
- the downstairs of the apartment (a cozy kitchen and living room with wood floors.)
- gas stove and oven- dishwasher- street parking
- small patio in the back- no on- laundry
- no pets
- no smoking
- drug free home
- no overnight guest
A little bit about myself. I am a woman in her 's who is kind, considerate, respectful, responsible, organized, clean, a minimalist and who loves a peaceful and relaxed place to come home to. I am going back to school and will need quiet, kind, respectful, responsible and likeminded roommates to share this home with. I keep my social life out of the house and expect the same from the other roommates. I am looking for two respectful and responsible females preferably between years old. Working professionals with a steady income. Who see their home as a sacred place to relax and recharge from everyday life. Keep a clean house and rotate simple chores every week. And to help keep the common areas tidy as well as a harmonious, considerate and respectful vibe at home. If you’re a good fit, please send a message include a brief description. Thanks for looking!
Building Type:
Move-in Fee:
Utilities Cost:
Household Age:
35 - 45
People In Household:
Household Sex:
My Cleanliness:
Overnight Guests:
Party Habits:
I Get Up/Go To Bed:
8AM - 10AM / 8PM - 10PM
Food Preference:
Almost Anything
Work Schedule:
Roommate preference
35 - 45