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פרופיל hector

hector, 31
הצג מודעות
שפות שאני מדבר:
English, Español, Français, Português
Hey everyone !
I'm excited to share that I'm looking for a roomate to join me to search for a two bedroom acomodation in SB downtown. Ideally the lease would start within the first two weeks of April .
• Budget : $, per month (max)
• About me : I'm French and spent the past 4 years living in Mexico. I'm , work a steady job in mining, love hiking, nature, gym, meditation, travel and having fun.
• What I'm looking for : Someone like minded with steady job, who is organized and values a clean living space. An open minded person with multicultural experience would be ideal ! :)
• Important : No smoking, no drugs, no . I'm seeking healthy, responsible living environment.
If you are interested or know someone who might be, please send me a message. I'm looking foward to finding a great roomate to share a cozy space and enjoy SB !
Whats app : +
Us phone : +
אימות הזהות עבר.
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