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ืคืจืืคืื Colby
Colby, 46
ืืฆื ืืืืขืืช
ืฉืคืืช ืฉืื ื ืืืืจ:
*Iโve just recently reactivated this listing. The girl thatโs been renting the room had to move to Texas to be closer to her family. So it is available now.
*Based on past Roommate experience, I prefer to Share the house with females.(And I do not mean for dating or anything even like that)
*I am a Christianโฆnot a judgmental, religious person. But I do like to live a fun & moral life. Casual drinking is fine, but no illegal drugs.
* Very clean, nice and safe place to live (I mean the neighborhood, but of course the house too๐)
The Interior is completely remodeled. Your bedroom and bathroom are your private areas and the rest of the house will be shared space. The room is partly furnished now with a double bed, nightstand and a couple of other things, but it can be unfurnished or more furnished. Small Pets are OK, but there is a pet fee.
I am super easy goin and love to laugh. When Iโm not at work, I spend a lot of my time at the lake, & doing outdoor activities. I like to hang out at times, but mostly during the week, Iโm pretty focused on preparing for work the next day. Iโm not a clean freak, but but would expect that we both clean up our own messes in the common areas daily. (Kitchen, laundry,living, etcโฆ)
You will have a very large bedroom with a walk-in closet & shelves, a large private bathroom with lots of storage. Iโve lived in the Harvest Hills addition for about four years, itโs a beautiful, clean, quiet and safe neighborhood, which is why I rented this new place here. Very close to Northwest Expressway, all kinds of shopping and the turnpike.
Message me if you would like to talk and see if things fit for both.
ืืืืืช ืืืืืช ืขืืจ.
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