אתר זה משתמש בקובצי Cookie
אנו משתמשים בקובצי Cookie כדי להתאים אישית תוכן ומודעות, לספק פונקציות של מדיה חברתית ולנתח את הכניסות לאתר שלנו. אנו גם משתפים מידע אודות השימוש שלך באתר שלנו עם שותפי המדיה החברתית שלנו, הפרסום והניתוח שעשויים לשלב אותו עם מידע אחר שמסרת להם או שאספו מהשימוש שלך בשירותיהם.
פרופיל Geneve

Geneve, 50
הצג מודעות
שפות שאני מדבר:
OK, well the robot keeps removing references to all numbers, even if they aren't phone numbers. So sorry that it looks a bit weird in this description. Just pretend it's a puzzle. :-)
I am looking to find a roommate to fill one open bedroom in my house (the other one is another renter). I am the homeowner and one of the potential roommates. No pets - preference for 1 person.
The house is a double story house, with a good-sized backyard in a quiet neighborhood near Shields & Harmony. No pets. I use a cleaning service every two weeks, which is included as part of rent. (Please note everyone will still do their own dishes and keep the common areas tidy). The rental fee is per month for a one-year lease for the bedroom (unfurnished), which shares a bathroom with the other renter. Utilities will be in addition to rent, just to keep us all mindful of usage & conservation. Utilities include high speed internet (FC Connexion GIG speed).
No smoking allowed (all kinds, including MJ). House has all hardwood floors, and tile/linoleum, so sound carries very easily, and we all like to keep the noise level down overnight. I have been alive for a handful of decades, and I work from home doing consulting. I'm old enough to be focused on work and not partying at my house, but I'm also extroverted. I am very ambitious about my career, and I regularly work more than an average work week. I am funny (dry, witty, sarcastic).
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