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erin님의 프로필
erin, 43
숙소 리스팅 보기
내가 사용하는 언어:
자기 소개:
I’m a white, American, single, female. Born in Melrose, Ma. Lived in Peabody for years until I was , then decided to move to Egypt. Spent 8 years there teaching in a British, private school for upscale Egyptian students in Grades . The last year I started Teaching English online to foreigners all over the world. Very different from what I was doing here, the best job of my life, going house to house to care for cats and dogs. So I’m most recently certified in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), but I was previously Certified in Animal Care and Dog Training. Some medical issues during the last year printed me to move back home. I’ve been back for about 5 months, living in Billerica. After 2 months being home I had my cats shipped here as well. I got a new home for the female but decided to keep the boys. Due to the fact that I can’t have cats where I live they have been in foster care. I miss them so much. They are like children to me. I’m slowly trying to recover my American life. Moving into a place with my cats is the next step in the process. I don’t go out much, I like to stay home and hang with my cats and go to the gym. Those are my happy places. I’m easy to get along with. I respect other peoples property and privacy. I don’t drink or drug but still friendly. My partying days are over and I’m looking for a calm environment where I can start working from home again. I’m just your average boring year old who just happens to come with 2 amazingly loving and playful cats.
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