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Dina, 19


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Idiomas que falo:
English, Русский
Sobre mim:
I will probably respond better on there! I’m looking for roommates for next year in Pullman! I don’t have a price yet because I don’t have an apartment yet! I think it would be fun to do a 4 bedroom apartment with 4 fun girl roommates that I could be good friends with. I love hanging out with people and going out so finding someone with similar interests is important to me. I enjoy getting ready, making fun plans with my friends like concerts, going out, getting food and drinks, and staying in and doing cute movie nights. I would say I am a clean person but I am the friend that owns literally everything! My major is in nursing and I plan to do botox and lip injections as my career someday! I also have two very well behaved cats that i’d love to bring.
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