Average Prices for rooms for rent in the top 20 USA cities 2024

Here's an approximate range of room rental prices for the top 20 USA cities as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2024. Please keep in mind that these are general estimates, and prices can vary based on various factors such as location, demand, and market conditions.

  1. New York City: $800 - $2,500+ per month.
  2. Los Angeles: $600 - $2,000+ per month.
  3. Chicago: $500 - $1,800+ per month.
  4. Houston: $500 - $1,500+ per month.
  5. Phoenix: $400 - $1,300+ per month.
  6. Philadelphia: $500 - $1,500+ per month.
  7. San Antonio: $400 - $1,200+ per month.
  8. San Diego: $600 - $1,800+ per month.
  9. Dallas: $500 - $1,500+ per month.
  10. San Jose: $700 - $2,500+ per month.
  11. Austin: $500 - $1,800+ per month.
  12. Jacksonville: $400 - $1,200+ per month.
  13. San Francisco: $900 - $3,500+ per month.
  14. Columbus: $400 - $1,200+ per month.
  15. Indianapolis: $400 - $1,200+ per month.
  16. Fort Worth: $400 - $1,200+ per month.
  17. Charlotte: $400 - $1,200+ per month.
  18. Seattle: $600 - $2,000+ per month.
  19. Denver: $500 - $1,800+ per month.
  20. Washington, D.C.: $700 - $2,500+ per month.

Remember, these ranges are approximate and can fluctuate over time. It's essential to research current rental listings, consult local resources or websites, and consider the specific location and amenities you desire when determining the actual cost of renting a room in a particular city.

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