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Mitbewohner-Suche in Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA


Kalei, 27

Mitbewohner | West Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, USA

🐱, 🌈 friendly.

Hi! My name is Kalei, I’m if you ask me too quick). Gemini, INFP-T if that means anything to you. LGBTQ+ friendly, politically liberal. I have two cats who I love very much; they are both well-behaved. They have lived with cats, dogs, children, and even my grandparents. Thor (8) is an ESA who I used to take to nursing homes to visit with the residents. Havi (2) is a little, fuzzy rock that sometimes meows. Both are incredibly friendly and never have any problems acclimating to new environments, animals, or people. They are a bit skittish around men but never mean. I wouldn’t expect them to have free-range access to the house.To get to know me better, I grew up in group homes, so I’m very accustomed to making compromises for the people around me and living within my means. I understand what it takes to make it in , and I’m able to separate facts from my feelings. I’ll always be willing to communicate respectfully in whatever way works for my roommate. I will always do my part to help keep a clean space. Usually, if I see a mess and it’s not going to grate on my mental health to put time into cleaning it, I just clean it without a fuss. Aside from that, I play video games, bake, cook (and enjoy sharing), draw, listen to music, and when I’m not doing any of that, I’m usually out or working. If you would like to know anything else, I’d be happy to talk more! My personal is (lol sorry caps for emphasis). Otherwise, you can add my snap: Kaleimf.

Einzugsdatum: Sofort

USD / month


Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • Wie viele Mitbewohner sind in Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA verfügbar?

    Es gibt 11 verfügbare Mitbewohner in Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA.

  • Wie findet man einen Mitbewohner in Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA?

    Auf Roomster ist die Suche nach Mitbewohnern in Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA einfach. Geben Sie Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA ein und wählen Sie 'Mitbewohner'. Verwenden Sie erweiterte Filter, um einen perfekten Mitbewohner für Ihr freies Zimmer zu finden.

  • Wie viel kostet es, ein Zimmer in Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA zu mieten?

    Die durchschnittliche Miete für ein Zimmer in Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA beträgt 637 USD

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